Welcome to the BeWhere model output viewing tool which you find underneath!
BeWhere was further developed in S2BIOM to determine where new biomass conversion installations can best be established in the EU-28, Western Balkans, Ukraine, Turkey and Moldova. BeWhere provides optimal selections of technology, location and capacity of bio-energy production plants, based on the minimization of the costs and emissions of the whole supply chain, in order to meet a pre-defined energy demand competing against the actual fossil fuel energy commodities.
You can choose yourself the scenario specifications for which to view results in the underneath menu. In the left pane you can specify and download BeWhere sollutions for heat and power installations and in the right pane for biofuel installations. Before downloading the results please choose:
1) the type of biomass feedstock your interested in (forest or agricultural (crops & residues) biomass)
2) The carbon cost level BeWhere needs to take into account (0, 50, 100, 150 EUR/tCO2). This refers to the carbon tax level.
3) The fossil fuel cost level (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 EUR/GJ): This refers to factor by which the fossil fuel cost is multiplied. The reference fossil fuel price used in BeWhere is from the year 2012.