Welcome to the LocaGIStics tool that enables the user to design and evaluate biomass delivery chains. The locaGIStics tool was developed  as a results of the work done in WP3  to develop a formalised stepwise approach for the implementation of optimal logistical concepts adapted to specific regional circumstances. Underneath you can use the LocaGIStics tool yourself which has been made operational for 2 regions in Europe: Burgundy and Spain. Before using the tool we recommend to consult the User documentation

LocaGIStics was developed in conjunction with the existing BeWhere tool (Tab: 'Tools'---> 'BeWhere') in such a way that both models exchange input data and output results.  The approach to implementation of the formalised approach to designing and evaluating biomass delivery chains is described in D3.5

The LocaGIStics and BeWhere tools were developed and implemented in a stepwise approach for the regions of Burgundy and Aragon and then the results were evaluated with local stakeholders and experts. The report consollidating the application of LocaGIStics in the case studies is deliverable D3.4&3.6 and the separate case study reports can be accessed here: Burgundy case studyAragon logistical case study. For the Finish case study the BeWhere and the Witness simulation models were implemented and this is described here: Finland logistical case study


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LOcaGIStics: Local assessment tool for biomass delivery chains. This tool will support the user to design optimal biomass delivery chains and networks at regional level and analyse in a comparative way (for different biomass delivery chains) the spatial implications and the environmental and economic performance. It will take account of the biomass cost-supply from WP1, the conversion and pre-treatment technology options from WP2 and WP3 and the novel logistical concepts of biomass hubs and yards from WP3. In relation to environmental impacts it takes account of the indicators and guidelines  developed in WP5 for assessing the overall sustainability performance for bioeconomy value chains developed in WP5.

This tool provides support to more regional and local stakeholders in making strategies for best ways to develop their bio-based economy and making use of sustainable local biomass resources potentially available to them. The scale of assessment is to be as detailed as data allows in the case studies for which the tool is developed. 

The first version of this tool was developed for the Burgundy case study using input from the LOGISTEC project results for this case. It enables to further design and evaluate the solutions for additional biomass delivery chains proposed in the BeWhere solution for Burgundy. These solutions are translated in several biomass delivery designs using the variation in logistical concepts identified in WP3 (D3.2) covering of transport, pre-treatment and conversion options. The feasibility of every chain design can then be analysed in a comparative way (for different biomass delivery chains) in relation to environmental (GHG emissions and mitigation including land use change emissions, soil C and an economic minimum acceptable return analysis). It  takes account of high resolution cost-supply information available at 2500 m resolution grid.